Melanie Chandra

New York / Los Angeles

Movie "For Here or To Go" review

Excited for the release of the independent film For Here or To Go releasing in select theaters on Friday, March 31st. As Chicago's Daily Herald quotes:

No recent film illustrates the late Roger Ebert’s assertion that movies are “empathy machines” better than Rucha Humnabadkar’s presciently salient English/Hindi comic drama “For Here or to Go?”

More than 1.5 million Indian immigrants working in the United States spend years, even decades, never knowing if they have a permanent home here, or will be sent back to their homeland because of twisted bureaucratic rules regarding work visas and green card requests....

...In its own lighthearted way, “For Here or to Go?” does for Indian immigrants what Gregory Nava’s “El Norte” did for Guatemalan immigrants, Jim Sheridan’s “In America” did for Irish immigrants and, more recently, what Chris Weitz’s “A Better Life” did for Mexican immigrants.
— Dann Gire, Film Critie